Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Parkulture and Tempest Free Running

[LINK] http://parkulture.com/2012/04/14/pk-spotlight-tempest-parkour-and-freerunning-takes-the-city-of-angels-by-storm/

At some point you will probably see Parkulture over on the http://parkourbad.com blog but for now, they hit the nail right on the head!  Everyone has a Ying and a Yang and this article has some pretty GOOD Ying, if you know what I am talking about...maybe you don't.

Photo: www.parkulture.com
Somewhere in a city called Los Angeles, a group of traceurs and freerunners have taken their art form to a whole other level. With millions of views on Youtube, team Tempest is synonymous with Parkour and Freerunning in the USA. They might not like me saying that, but this team of excentric friends are the godfathers of Parkour and Freerunning in this country. They are also some of the nicest, most humble and funny people you will ever meet.

Tempest Freerunning has very much changed the art and sport of today.  They have showed us new techniques, moves and buildings that no one would have though possible.  They are innovators and you should definitely give your time to listen to what these guys have to say.

I for one I am most impressed with getting that many Traceurs in one room, to actually have the GOOD ambition and GOOD responsibility to undertake such a huge project.  As many of you guys see in the community now, it's hard to get anyone motivated to get to training or try a side project, but to do something like this, truly takes a level of ambition and skill that I love to see.

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